Parish Prayer Reflection at Home: Introduction by Fr Gerry
Beginning this Sunday, you are invited to join other parish members in spirit, from the privacy of your own home, twice daily in prayer for 14 days, if you wish. There is a prayer resource at a time you choose in the morning or afternoon, and another prayer in the evening. It is your choice as to how long you spend in the first daily prayer and reflection. Some might spend about fifteen minutes, and others might have 30 minutes to an hour or longer. The prayer resource has been put together by Australian Jesuits Communications Australia and we have their permission to use and adapt the resource. The Reading and reflection will change each day, though the steps to prayer will remain mostly the same. After the second day you will be familiar with the way of preparation, reflection and praying.
As a community we continue to find ways to connect with each other and pray for each other. [Listen here]
As a community we continue to find ways to connect with each other and pray for each other. [Listen here]
14 Day Home Retreat - With Jesus in the Desert: A retreat in time of isolation
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